0845 528 0404
0845 528 0404
It is possible to hire a robot for your conference in Slovakia. A robot can introduce keynote speakers, take an active part in a Q & A sessions or even be the keynote speaker. You can use a robot for hire in Slovakia to actually deliver an entire keynote speech with powerpoint. The robot will autonomously change the slides and actually deliver an entire keynote speech from beginning to end.
For Companies that do a lot of trade shows, conferences and exhibitions during the year in Slovakia it is always a difficult decision as to whether to buy or hire a robot. We are able to advise Companies as to the financial pros and cons of hiring or buying a robot that is going to be used for trade shows and exhibitions in Slovakia.
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© Copyright Robots of London. 2022. Registered in England: No 07689585. VAT Registration: No. 138271511.
© Copyright Robots of London. 2022. Registered in England: No 07689585. VAT Registration: No. 138271511.