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Revolutionizing Human-Robot Interaction: The Success of Pepper Robot at the 2023 FEM EMEA Summit

In the bustling heart of London during the 2023 FEM EMEA Summit, a new form of interaction captivated the audience. Robots of London's Pepper Robot, with its emotional intelligence and dynamic conversational capabilities, emerged as the unexpected star of the show. Seamlessly blending technology with human touch, Pepper showcased a new frontier in customer engagement. This wasn't just a display of technological prowess; it was a glimpse into the future of how businesses can humanize their digital interfaces.


The 2023 FEM (Forum for Expatriate Management) EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) Summit & Awards, held in London, provided an opportunity for businesses to showcase their innovative solutions and products. Robots of London, a leading robotics company, took center stage with their integration of Pepper Robot. This case study delves into the showcase, examining the impact and reception of Pepper Robot at the event.


Robots of London: Established in 2018, Robots of London specializes in creating customer-friendly humanoid robots. Their flagship model, Pepper Robot, is equipped with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and can engage in a conversational manner with users, recognize human emotions, and provide real-time feedback.

FEM EMEA Summit & Awards: The event is a convergence of global mobility professionals, industry insiders, and experts, where they discuss the latest trends and developments in expatriate management. The awards segment honors companies and individuals for their outstanding contributions to the sector.

The Showcase:

Objective: To introduce Pepper Robot as an interactive interface for businesses, focusing on its potential to enhance customer experiences, particularly in the realm of expatriate management.

Presentation: Pepper was set up at the Robots of London exhibit booth, where attendees could interact with the robot. Programmed specifically for the event, Pepper could:

  1. Provide information about the summit’s schedule.
  2. Recognize attendees through facial recognition and offer personalized greetings.
  3. Conduct short surveys about attendees’ experiences at the summit.
  4. Discuss key trends in expatriate management using AI-generated insights.
  5. Engage in light-hearted, humorous conversations, adding a touch of entertainment.

Unique Selling Points:

  • Real-time emotional recognition: Adjusting its communication style based on the user’s emotions.
  • Multi-lingual capabilities: Engaging with international attendees in their native languages.
  • Seamless integration: Ability to sync with various databases to provide the latest event details.


  1. Engagement: Robots of London reported a constant stream of attendees at their booth, intrigued by the chance to interact with Pepper.

  2. Feedback: On-the-spot surveys conducted by Pepper showed that 87% of the participants found their interaction with the robot insightful and engaging.

  3. Business Inquiries: Robots of London received numerous inquiries about potential collaborations and the integration of Pepper Robot into various businesses, particularly in hospitality and event management.

  4. Awards: Though not a contestant, the positive buzz around Pepper Robot contributed to a special recognition award for Robots of London, praising their innovative approach to integrating technology with human interaction.


The 2023 FEM EMEA Summit & Awards turned out to be a significant milestone for Robots of London. Their presentation of Pepper Robot was not just a showcase but a demonstration of the future of interactive customer experiences. The humanoid robot, with its emotional intelligence and multi-lingual capabilities, was hailed as a game-changer, setting the tone for the future of expatriate management and beyond.